August Wrap up

During my week off myself and my fiance travelled two and a half hours away from home.  During this journey we listened to the radio and on one of the radio stations that we were flipping between (to miss out talking and adverts) a song came on that I couldn’t believe was being played…. All I want for Christmas.  Now please don’t misunderstand I love Christmas music… but not during the last week of August.  I suddenly wish that there was a line in the sand of when Christmas music was allowed to be played publicly. 

Autumn is now upon us, and children  are returning to school after the summer holidays and the 6 month break due to Covid.  The start of the school year always makes me feel nostalgic, mainly for the new stationary that is always available, but also as the autumn turns up there are so many things in the year to start looking forward to, Halloween, Nanowrimo, Christmas, new year.  September for me always feels like the start of something.

In August I finished 1 book so I don’t feel right saying which was my favourite read… that should be fairly obvious! I have read 842 pages but a lot of them were all in different books. 

My first review of the month was Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy 

My second review of the month was Skulduggery Pleasant Playing with Fire, which is the second book in the Skulduggery Pleasant series

This month I took part in the Animal Crossing Tag which was fun, and actually made me think about purchasing Animal Crossing. 

As you may have guessed from the number of pages I have read and the number of books I have finished, I have been reading a number of different books at once so I wrote a guide on How to Read multiple books at once.  

I also wrote an article on Reading as Escapism, as we all sometimes need to escape what is happening in our lives. 

I also wrote about my first ever DNF which while it took place last year I still try and talk myself into finished the book again. 

My final post of the month was Book vs Film for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  

In September I am hoping to at least double the number of books that I have read (which shouldn’t be too difficult), and I will most likely be adding two book reviews for non-fiction books which could be interesting.  I may also do my best to finish off one of my ongoing series.  

What are your reading plans for the month, let me know below!


    • I think Skulduggery Pleasant is a book that you have to be in the mood for as it is an unusual combination. It is also aimed at a younger audience which can frustrate readers who like books aimed at slightly older readers.


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